Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Stained Glass Me

          Stained glass windows, though beautiful and inspiring, 

never start as so.  These works of art that line the walls of 

ancient cathedrals, were once just piles
 of broken glass. This 

is me in an object. A stained glass window thoughtfully 

crafted by an artist of superior skill. An artist so incredible, 

innovative and magnificent, He could see a mastepiece in a 

shattered mess. These pieces could never spring from the 

ground to make themselves beautiful. They needed that 

gentle, detailed hand to place each piece wih startegy and 

purpose creating a picture, or destiny if you will, better than 

that shattered pile ever imagined. " To all who mourn in 

Israel, He will give a crown of beauty for ashes."
 Though I 

saw myelf as just a useless pile of sharp, bitter, waste, He has 

taken every trial, pain, sin and shame, and made something 

that catches the eye. Something that displays the redemptive 

heart of the artist. Each piece is still 100% me, now with 

100% Him. My brokeness a beacon of light, radiating the 

color of His love. 


  1. Beautifully written !! So amazing !!

  2. Well done, Jordan. You're an excellent writer and I loved the photos, too. Karen
