Sunday, August 11, 2013

The Road Less Traveled?

   19 years ago I was born into less than perfect circumstances, but set on a journey with a more than perfect plan. I have always known that there was something greater than movie stars and mansions, and although the light glistening off those blinged out lifestyles has occasionally caught my eye, the attractiveness has lost its substance. Business suits look more like straight jackets and big houses look more like prisons to me. The stage lights can only stay on for so long before the bulb burns out, and the house is only perfect until an earth quake hits. All these things that have seemed to give people their platform of power, their foundation of respect, can be built up only so high before the real world hits and they realize what they once believed to be concrete was only a disguised piece of styrophome.Don't get me wrong, there are many people who use wealth, fame and power to make a difference in the world, many who have made a difference in mine personally. That is not what I'm talking about. I'm talking about the people who get their identity from what they have, not who they belong to, and have the opportunity and resources to be the change the world needs, but they are too blinded by self worship to step up and do it. A wise man once said that truly living, would mean truly dying. That if I ever really wanted to gain a life of vibrancy ,depth, realness, and adventure in it's truest form, I would have to give away everything, and that the "good life" wasn't really good, unless He was a part of it. He said that good was not having everything I wanted all the time, but good was giving everything away so someone else could have what they needed. That life, is not a series of planned circumstances, where I make sure the outcome is always in my favor, but actually life is a place where His favor is always on me, regardless of the outcome of my unplanned circumstances. It's a journey, where whether you are in a fruit filled garden, or a desert of temptation, you are in a state of living, not merely existing. The last few years I have come to realize that not only am I on a journey, but I am in the middle of a war. There is something in the core of who I am that tells me, I have a part to play. It whispers in my ear, " You will change the world." Every time I hear the cries of innocent people, my hands tighten knowing that I have a shield to protect them. When I hear of the injustices that no one is stopping, my legs start to run, not away from the problem but towards the solution. I live in a culture where lies are piercing through peoples hearts and my arms get full of static electricity because I know I have a sword to cut those lies to pieces. The seal of my allegiance is engraved not on my skin, but on my heart.I am His warrior bride. This blog is to document the journey of finding what it really means to live , because I am so tired of just existing. To all the people out there who are trapped in starvation, corruption, abuse, brokenness, slavery and injustice of every kind , who are waiting to be set free, this is dedicated to you.I would rather stand alone for something I believe in , than with a million other people for something I don't. I promise I am coming. I don't know how, I don't know when, but I will not rest in the "comfort" of the American dream, until you are free.

1 comment:

  1. You blow my mind !! You are incredibly AMAZING !! I adore you !!
